Left to right: Melibee, SeaBass, Kendo, Shirley, Highlander
Too bad the Worf gif is dead. It would have come in handy here.
Cool ~! Highlander looks good enough for a screenshot at the movies almost.
But all in all - looks like support was in their best today!
Happy Halloween Everyone!
That's funny right there.
Dave was in costume? thats daily garb round these parts....
I first read that as bananahammer for some reason. I was like, "Shirley has a banana hammer?" "I'd like to have a banana hammer."
wouldn't we all
Little known fact: I DO have a banana-hammer.
Well known fact: I look like a dork in that picture. ::facepalms::
This is DrJ's Halloween Trix n Treetz fer Hankers!
btw, he's doin' his thing cos he heard who you voted fer! LOL.
<===== "Oh Hankers, tell me it ain't true!"